2022 Member: Scientific Committee, Conference South-West University Neofit Rilski, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, Oct. 20-21.
2022 Member: Organizing Committee, interim conference of the European Sociological Association’s Research Network 15 Global, Transnational and Cosmopolitan Sociology, Coral Bay Hotel, Paphos, Cyprus, May 5-6.
2020 Member: Scientific Committee, International Multidisciplinary Conference on Transformations and Challenges in the Global World, South-West University Neofit Rilski, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, Oct. 15-17.
2017 Organizer/Presider: Panel on the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, bi-annual Congress of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 4-7.
2016 Member: Scientific Committee, International Symposium on Balkan History and Culture, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey, October 20-22.
2016 Member: Scholarly Committee, "From Christianizations and Islamizations to (Hetero)Europeanizations: Transformations of Cultural-Historical Heritage on the European Margins", a multi-disciplinary conference co-organized by the Institute for Literature (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Dipartimento di Studi sull' Asia e sull' Africa Mediterranea of Ca' Foscari (University of Venice) and INALCO (Paris, France) Sofia, Bulgaria, 31 March - 2 April 2016 (sites.google.com/site/heteroeuropeanisations/announcement).
2015 Organizer/Presider: Panel on Glocal Religions, bi-annual Congress of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Louvain, Belgium.
2013 Co-Organizer (with Jerry Pankhurst): Two panels on Orthodox Christianity in Western Europe, bi-annual Congress of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Turku, Finland.
2012 Workshop Chair & Convener: Workshop on Religious Cultures, Diversity and Pluralism in Cyprus, 13th Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, Nicosia, Cyprus (July 2-6).
2010 Member, Organizing Committee: 3rd Conference on Balkan Studies (Kavala, Greece Sept. 17-18), organized by the Historical and Literary Archives of Kavala (HILAK).
2010 Member, Scientific Committee: International Conference on Migration and Diversity in the Mediterranean, organized by the Anthropology Lab of the Demokretus University of Thrace, Kalimari, Crete, Greece, July 11-16.
2010 Organizer: Session on "Inter-Civilizational Configurations and Encounters: Towards a Historical Sociology of Globalization", for Thematic Group #02 Comparative and Historical Sociology, World Congress of Sociology, Goetheburg, Sweden.
2008 Co-Organizer (with Dalia Abdelhady): Panel on "(Re-) Asserting Memory in a Global Age", 38th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Budapest, Hungary.
2008 Co-Organizer (with Dee Britton) of a panel on "Multiple Cosmopolitanisms: Intersections of Globalization, Transnationalism and the Nation-State", 38th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Budapest, Hungary.
2008 Co-Organizer (with Willfried Spohn): A panel on Globalization, Religion and Collective Identities: Theoretical, Historical and Comparative Perspectives, for the International Sociological Association's 1st Interim Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
2005 Organizer (with Vered Vinitzky-Seroussi): A panel on Collective Memory and Commemoration for the 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Stockholm, Sweden.
2005 Organizer: Two Panels on Collective Memory and Cultural Politics for the 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Stockholm, Sweden.
2005 Organizer/Presider: Panel ST 14 "Greek Orthodoxy and Modernity: Reassessing the Boundaries", bi-annual Congress of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Zagreb, Croatia.
2000 Organizer, Presider & Discussant: Special panel "Southeastern Europe at the Dawn of the 21st Century", American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Washington DC.
1995 Organizer: Graduate Student Colloquium, Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
2023 Discussant: Author-Meets-Critics panel for Aesthetico-Cultural Cosmopolitanism and French Youth: The Taste of the World by Vincenzo Cicchelli & Sylvie Octobre, XX ISA World Congress of Sociology (June 25 - July 1) Melbourne, Australia.
2022 Chair: Panel on perspectives on world culture; panel on Traumatic experiences, rights and narratives; & panel on Religion and politics in a globalized world, European Sociological Association's Research Network 15 Global, Transnational and Cosmopolitan Sociology Midterm Meeting, Coral Bay, Paphos, Cyprus.
2018 Chair: Panel Religious Texts of Diversity Vs Exclusion, RC 22 Sociology of Religion, World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, CA July 15-21.
2013 Presider and Discussant: Panels on Orthodox Christianity in Western Europe, bi-annual congress of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Finland.
2012 Chair, Panel 1: Theorizing Boundaries and National Identity, 22nd annual ASEN conference, London School of Economics, March 27-29.
2005 Discussant: 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Stockholm, Sweden: Panel on Collective Memory and Cultural Politics.
2005 Discussant: Bi-annual Congress of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion, Zagreb, Croatia: Panel ST 13 "Reconfiguring Church-State Boundaries in Greece".
2001 Discussant: Social Science History Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, IL: Panel on Macro-historical Dynamics.
2000 Panelist: Faculty Workshop "Individuals and their Global Communities: Changing Paradigms of Identity", Monday May 22, 2K56 Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh.
1998 Presider: Roundtable 18 "Culture and Territory", Culture Section Refereed Roundtables, American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, August, San Francisco, CA.
1995 Roundtable Organizer and Presider: Refereed roundtable "The Ethnic Revival and the New World Order", North Central Sociological Association Annual Meetings, April, Pittsburgh, PA.
1994 Discussant: Sessions 9 & 10 on Nationalism & Globalization, World Congress of Sociology, July, Bielefeld, Germany, Research Committee 16 (Sociological Theory).
1992 Roundtable Organizer and Presider: Roundtable on "Cultural Theory", 10th Anniversary Conference of the journal Theory, Culture, and Society, Seven Springs, PA.
1992 Discussant: Section on Youth, American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, August, Pittsburgh, PA.
1992 Student Assistant: Tenth Anniversary Conference of the journal Theory, Culture, and Society, August, Seven Springs, Pittsburgh, PA.